You Will Be Mine By Lenka (lyrics dan video)

You Will Be Mine By Lenka (lyrics dan video)

Today is sunday 21 Oktober 2012 cepatnya terasa waktu berlalu, yuk nyanyi lagunya Lenka. Sedikit tentang biografi Lenka, adalah singer atau penyanyi yang berasal dari New Souts Wales, Australia.  Lenka lahir pada 19 Maret 1978 atau kesini saja untuk teman-teman pecinta lagu dan musik xD. Jenis musik lenka adalah pop dan indie pop, lagu-lagu nya yang terkenal dan sering kita dengar adalah  trouble is a friend, the show, heart skips a beat, knock knock , maybe I love you

You Will be mine - Lenka

She moved in to the house next door
Said she'd never been in love before
Tried the best she could to hide herself away
But every time she turned the lights down low
He thought he heard a voice calling out so slow
Come and take me away from all this pain, And he said
I see you sitting there at the window sill
Looking for shooting stars

I wanna get closer and closer still
I wanna take over your heart
You will be mine mine Over time time
You're gonna find find I'll make you mine mine
Every morning when she came outside
He tried to be the one to catch her eye
But she would only turn away and hide
He started to concoct a plan

To get her to return the feelings that he had
To show her how he thought they were entwined
I see you sitting there at the window sill
Looking for shooting stars
I wanna get closer and closer still
I wanna take over your heart
You will be mine mine, Over time time

You're gonna find find, I'll make you mine mine
Little love letters written in red
Folded up put away next to the bed oh
Little crushed hopes every day
Waiting in the wings to spirit her away
I see you sitting there at the window sill
Looking for shooting stars

I wanna get closer and closer still
I wanna take over your heart
You will be mine mine Over time time
You're gonna find find I'll make you mine mine
You will be mine mine, Over time time
You're gonna find find, I'll make you mine

Selamat berhari minggu untuk teman-teman semua, suka lagu-lagu Lenka juga? selain lagu You Will Be Mine By Lenka (lyrics dan video) Insya Allah di lain kesempatan aku ingin sharring lagu Lenka yang lain. Btw aku suka mendengarkan lagu-lagunya Lenka juga soalnya selain lagu-lagu Fiona FungSemoga anda semua sehat dan sukses selalu, Amiin dan have a great sunday. -Greeting-

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