Year of The Snake

Year of The Snake

Year of The Snake
Never into predictions
Don’t trust the weatherman
Everything gets my emotions

Go up or down the drain
Hidden stories to be told
These lines in our hands
If everything’s already written

Don’t tell me how it ends
Faces come and then they go
Leaving scars or smiles
Wounds can heal but still the echoes

Lingering inside
Remembered hitting the new low
Living in a lie
And you’re one of the worst I know

That happened in my life
Learning from our mistakes
From that year of the snake

When everything turned into heartbreak
Even if the ground shakes
In that year of the snake

Don’t waste your time because life won’t wait
Didn’t know it was serious
Should’ve seen the signs
Paying for our recklessness

The war of nerves begun
Do we know our friends and foes?
When they tell a lie
Tell me how to sleep at night

With eyes open wide
Don’t believe all you hear
There’re devils in disguise
Don’t let anyone crush your dreams

Your hands can touch the sky
Speak the truth and be sincere
Let God be your guide
Trust your heart don’t feed your fears
And love will never die

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